Self-Sabotage to Freedom

A complimentary Mini-Workshop if you're frustrated with the "thing" you do

(you will not be charged or need to enter any credit card information for this workshop)

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Understand the way to question your mind and relax the hunting-grabbing-acting out-wanting-avoiding wars.

All you need to bring is a pen and paper and your open, willing mind.

A safe container for you, whatever your habits or troubling behaviors, no matter how long you've suffered

This is a great place to be: you learn so much by watching others receive and practice the information. Experienced and Newbies to The Work are all welcome.

In 90 minutes you will find confidence and empowerment around the stimulus-response pattern you've been engaging in, sometimes for years.

You'll have a sense of how to apply self-inquiry to your internal experience.

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A step-by-step process looking at 3 core underlying beliefs that drive us to move, run, act, go

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Applying The Work of Byron Katie and self-inquiry to compulsive behavior

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Guidance on continuing your practice of relaxing and using the peace available to you

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Gifting Options

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PayPal selected.

After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

Apple Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

Google Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

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